Search Engines

Argos searches selected databases of sites related specifically to Antiquity.

ARGOS Limited Area Search of the Ancient World

AltaVista is a comprehensive Internet database search engine.

Search and Display the Results
Selection Criteria: Please use Advanced Syntax (AND, OR, NOT, NEAR).

Results Ranking Criteria: Documents containing these words will be listed first.

Start date: End date: e.g. 21/Mar/96

Metacrawler performs a meta-search of several databases and displays unified results from all sources used. If you want to save time, try here first.

Search for:
A phrase All of these words Any of these words

Sort results by Control search with Java

Excite is a general database of the Internet.

Excite Search:

i-Explorer is a general database of the Internet. Less extensive than Excite, it is updated more frequently.


Find in

Lycos is another genral database of the Internet. Performs more relevant searches than some other search engines.


Webcrawler is another general database of the Internet by AOL.

Search the web and show for

Example: salt AND pepper

HotBot is WIRED's search engine.


- H o t B o t -

Search for

Infoseek is a general database of the Internet that permits the refining of searches based upon subsets of an original search.

Type a specific question, phrase or Name.
